Thursday, January 28, 2010


It has recently come to my attention that, while I'm at work, Kristin entertains herself by teaching Wyatt tricks and, presumably, making him perform them for snacks.

Tricks for Noodles from Clark Dray on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Thanksgiving & Christmas Recap

So I have been so behind on blogging lately, but with the holidays behind us things have finally slowed down. We had such a fun Thanksgiving and Christmas, though, that I had to share before it's too late. Maybe it already is, but oh well.

For Thanksgiving Wyatt and I flew to Cali to hang out with my family for a week and a half. We had so much fun! Wyatt just loves being around other kids and he thought his Aunt Kayla and Uncle Logan were the coolest ever. Clark flew in for Thanksgiving and drove down with his parents and brother, Mark. We had a delicious dinner with my family and his. Wyatt loved all the yummy food, especially mashed potatoes. Grandpa Dray brought along his brand new electric wheelchair and Wyatt was in heaven sitting on Grandpa's lap and going for rides. We even got to feed the neighbors' horses some carrots. I think the horses just looked like scary monsters to W, though, because he didn't want to give them a carrot.
We spent Christmas in CANCUN with Clark's family. It was awesome! The weather was gorgeous (anything beats below freezing, but this was perfect!) Wyatt loved the beach, eating sand, digging, splashing in the water, and eating at buffets every night. That kid loves food! We also got to see some shows, meet a monkey, and most importantly hang out with family. Wyatt got his first picture with Santa taken in Mexico. Apparently a Mexican Santa is just as scary as an American Santa.

l to r: Kristin, Wyatt, Clark, Marilyn, Mark Edward, Mark Henry, Brian, and Maria