Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Wyatt!

Lately Wyatt has been obsessed with rocket ships. He loves anything having to do with rockets and outer space, so it only seemed natural that his birthday party should be a rocket ship theme. I proposed the idea to Wyatt who enthusiastically said "yeah!". He was so excited. I tried to keep him involved throughout the planning process. It's so much fun to see his excitement and his little opinions about everything.
Here we are doing our first ever paper mache project. I wanted to make planets to hang from the ceiling for his party. This was super messy, but he didn't seem to mind at all. Note to self: next time do this outside.
He actually got really good at dipping the strips of newspaper in. I had to help him smooth them out on the balloon.
Once the paper mache was dry, I painted a white base coat on all the balloons, then Wyatt got to help me paint them to look like planets. he's quite the little artist. He loved squirting the paint on the balloon then rubbing it in with his brush. Again, next time I would do this outside but it was freezing this week, so it was a good way to keep busy.
A little more here.
Inspecting his work.
Here they are hanging at the party. I hung some stars from the ceiling, too. It looked really awesome. Wyatt already wants to hang them up in his room.
For the party, all the decorations were red and blue. We made cosmic sandwiches.
We also had some blue chips with red salsa. Some blue limeade. Notice the goody bags in the background. I custom designed the rocket ship logos to go on them. I wish now that I had taken a close up picture. They turned out really cute. Wyatt helped pick out the items to go inside and we put them together. He loved helping me use the stapler.
Wyatt also helped me make the cake (I decorated it) It turned out really cute. I was so nervous. Notice the candles coming out the bottom like rocket ship flares. So cute!
 And it tastes delicious, too.
 Wyatt picked out rainbow chip cake when we were at the store. He is so funny and so particular about some things. It cracks me up.
I think he liked it.
Playtime. I got these foam swords from the dollar bin at Target. Best purchase ever! Wyatt loves them. Here he is fighting his buddy Matthew. He goes for the leg chop.
Matthews reaction. lol. He was totally hamming it up. Don't worry, the swords don't hurt at all.
Wyatt showing Zane around.
Here Wyatt is showing all his friends how the kitchen works. He has a little oven mitt on and is showing Logan the proper way to remove a hot item from the microwave. Funny kid. He loves to cook just like his grandpa. He is a big "help" in the real kitchen, too.
Wyatt got some great presents. Here he is checking out his new play-doh puppy from his friend, Logan.
And his rocket ship from Zane. He loves this toy!
We also had a giant playhouse rocket ship for the kids to play in. Thanks, Mom. We played freeze dance. We played meteor shower where the kids had to try to keep all the balloons off the ground. That was fun! Then we read some rocket ship books. I think Wyatt was the only one totally into it. I'm telling you, this kid loves rocket ships. We had so much fun hanging out with friends and celebrating Wyatt's special day. Happy Birthday Wyatt!