Friday, January 30, 2009

Update from the Womb:

That's right - from the womb, suckers. I'm still in here and guess what - I'm not coming out. On the inside it's so warm and comfortable, and I have a direct line for food plugged right into my gut. I don't even have to swallow! And why would I want to trade pre-digested ice-cream, Indian food, etc. for a diet consisting of exclusively milk? On top of all that, I hear it's pretty cold and miserable out there right now. Snow, ice, freezing rain - no thank you. I prefer my personal hot-tub, so I'm staying here. You can try and force me out, but remember that babies have a very strong grip reflex, so I'll be latching on to Mommy's spleen or ribs or whatever else I can reach in here and holding on tight. Let me know when they add a bailout for newborns to the stimulus package and maybe I'll reconsider. . .

Thursday, January 29, 2009

No baby yet

It's the day after my due date and still no baby. Sigh. I had my 40 week doctor appointment yesterday. I am dilated to a 5! Woohoo! Progress, right? The midwife stripped my membranes again and said I could go any day now. Just in case, we scheduled an induction for next Wednesday, Feb. 4th. At least I have an end date in sight. I have been having contractions all day, but they aren't 5 minutes apart. I think Clark and I are going to go to the mall to walk and see if we can get things going. Wish me luck! I am so ready to meet my little guy. Here are some updated photos of me at 39.5 weeks, taken on Sunday.

Monday, January 26, 2009

False Alarm

So...Here's the scoop:

I am still very pregnant. My due date is not until this Wednesday, January 28th.

I went to the doctor's office on Friday, the 23rd. They told me I was dilated to a 5/6 & that I should go to the hospital to be monitored. The nurse commented that I must be one of those lucky girls because I didn't look like I was in labor. (How true! The whole not being in labor part) Anyways, I left work early, called Clark to meet me at the house and we proceeded to head to the hospital (Riverside). They checked me in, hooked me up to measure my contractions and the baby's heartbeat and "checked me". They looked at me and said, "Um, you're maybe a 4 (as in 4cm dilated)". They let me walk around the hospital for an hour & then checked me again to see if I made any progress: still a 4!!! We got sent home along with a packet of information about how to recognize true labor.

I am still working and waiting for baby to come. Clark will update the blog on his laptop if we happen to end up back in the hospital. For now, though, nothing new.

Sorry we can't return phone calls. We are very busy, so keep checking the blog. Love you all!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Baby moving

Untitled from Clark Dray on Vimeo.

Click through to Vimeo to watch the HD version. It's a lot better.

Monday, January 12, 2009

More shower pics

Showered With Love

So my friends threw me the most amazing shower on Saturday! It was so perfect! The theme was the alphabet & all the decorations were in the colors of my nursery (blue, orange, & gray). We had alphabet shaped sugar cookies, alphabet soup, and Ellen made me some nursery decorations using my nursery fabrics that spelled B-O-Y (B is for Bear, O is for Octopus, Y is for Yo-yo) So cute! And...we played fun word games: Pictionary & writing down a boy name for every letter of the alphabet. Whoever had the most names that no one else had won. It was really fun to hear some of the unique names people came up with. I did hear the name that Clark & I like while playing that game (hint, hint). The favors were little hand folded paper cubes that were decorated to look like alphabet blocks. Check out some of the pictures:

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mommy suggestions, please

All you moms out there:

Does anyone have recommendations for a humidifier that doesn't get moldy or need to have the filter changed frequently. Is it better to have a warm humidifier or cool?

Also, I need suggestions for relaxing music to listen to while giving birth. Does anyone have any ideas or CD's I can borrow?