Sunday, November 30, 2008

Old News

Here is a letter I sent out a few weeks ago providing some info about the pregnancy. I'm now 31 weeks pregnant...

I am officially 26 ½ weeks pregnant now, which means I only have about 3 months to go! Woohoo! January 28th is my expected due date. The baby is about 14 inches long and 1 ¾ lbs now. He sure feels a lot bigger when he is doing flips inside of me. It makes me jump sometimes when he starts squirming around. He is definitely going to be a ball full of energy when he is born.

So far everything is moving right along. Both ultrasounds have showed a healthy baby boy, so the Dray family tradition continues. I just hope he is as handsome as his daddy. I got my flu shot about a week and a half ago, but came down with some yucky stomach bug this weekend. I guess you can’t prevent everything, huh.

I haven’t had any really strange cravings although the baby does seem to prefer wholesome foods like vegetables. Hey, at least it’s healthy! Mom still craves sweets, so I have had to tame my sweet tooth a bit. I have to take a routine gestational diabetes test at my next doctor’s visit. I am certainly not looking forward to that at all. They make you drink this glucose drink and then test your blood 1 hr. later to see how your body handles the sugar. Hopefully, everything will go well.

In the meantime I am still working full time and trying to prepare for the baby. I decided to sew all the baby’s bedding myself, which has proven to be more than I bargained for. All my sewing projects are keeping me busy. So far I have finished the crib skirt, the bumper (just finished today) and the quilt top. I need to put the backing on the quilt. I also am making some burp cloths, changing pads, and stuffed monsters and toys for baby to play with. Phew! Thank goodness for Joann’s coupons.

Last weekend a friend and I went to a huge baby garage sale in our area. It was at a local school and there were 2 gyms packed full of baby stuff. I found a really good swing, some toys, and lots of clothes. There are some things, though, that we just won’t buy used, like a car seat, breast pump, and diaper pails (yuck!). For those things and more, Clark & I registered at Babies ‘R Us and Target. Check it out if you are interested.

We will keep you posted as things progress. We love you all!

Kristin and Clark

BabyBleg: Middle Name

Now it's time for some audience participation: help pick Baby's middle name. We need a name with two or more syllables and it can't start with the letters A, I, M, N, O, U, or W.

You might be wondering what Baby's first name is going to be. Well, so are we. We have some pretty good ideas, but we'll be keeping them under wraps until we've finalized things.

Also, worst baby name nominations, such as Octavius, Napoleon, Adolf, Elvis, and Aloysius, are not only allowed but encouraged. Negative points if we can't tell the difference between your actual suggestions and the worst names nominations.

Update from the Womb:

Since this blog is supposed to be about me, I thought I'd tell you a little about myself. I've been in here for about 31 weeks and I weigh about three and a half pounds. My birthday is supposed to be Jan 28, 2009, but I haven't made a final decision on that quite yet. My hobbies include: doing front and back flips, being sloshed around, and delivering punishing kicks to mom's bladder and crushing judo-chops to her ribs. My primary life goals right now are to grow some fingernails and toenails, and maybe some hair. That's all for now, but I'll try to keep you updated if I'm not too busy.



Here are a few of the monsters I sewed for baby. I had planned on decorating the nursery in a Where the Wild Things are theme, but Clark was worried that would traumatize Baby. Tell him that he's wrong in the comments section.

Baby's Quilt

I finished Baby's quilt today. It is one of the many projects I am working on in the nursery. I hope Baby likes psychedelic colors!