Monday, March 23, 2009

No wonder my back hurts . . .

I stopped in at the hospital today to weigh Wyatt. He measured in at 13 lbs 6 oz. If I'm reading the chart below correctly, that puts him in the 95th percentile for weight! We measured length and head circumference at home, so these measurements are probably less accurate. With his frog legs all stretched out, Wyatt is about 25" long, which unsurprisingly puts him off the chart.*

Below, the chart has him in the 90th percentile with a 16.25" head circumference.

Finally, the weight for length chart puts him at just about the 10th percentile. A long, skinny baby - who would have thought?

* 25" seemed a little on the long side, so we remeasured. While we haven't been able to get the same measurement twice, it's probably safe to say that he's not quite that tall, yet.

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