Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Photo Op

Our neighborhood friend, Candace, offered to take some baby photos of Wyatt. They turned out really well. Here are some of our favorites:

Hey, What is that think you're pointing at me?

Seriously, What is it?
I can't believe Mommy made me wear this.
Oh, Dad.
I worked hard to get this double chin.
I know I'm adorable.
Sweet little piggies!
Awww, come on Mom. I don't want to snuggle right now.
Okay. I'll smile for just this one picture.
Are you done yet?
I see you, Mom. That reminds me...more milk, please!
Deer in headlights. Haha. He was so mesmerized by the camera.


Ellen said...

SO cute! Hard to believe, but he is cuter in person!!

Amber Smith said...

How cute! He is growing up so much! Those eyes of his are gorgeous.

Bart and Krista said...

He is so cute! I love that hair! I just saw your post of him laughing. What an advanced little guy. I can't believe he's laughing and he's only 2 months old! WOW!

Prosper 1st Primary said...

Oh my goodness he is so adorable :) He is growing up so fast!

Brittany Shae said...

Hey lady..this is Brittany (Kennington)!! I found your blog on your sisters and had to come see this gorgeous little man!! He has soo much hair! How is life? Your in Ohio? Shut up cause my husband and I keep talking about moving there!!