Thursday, August 27, 2009

So Clark and I are officially Coloradans. We have the driver's licenses to prove it. The weather has been gorgeous here & the mountains are so pretty to look at. There is so much to do. We are loving it! Wyatt is crawling like crazy and already pulling himself up to standing! That boy just won't slow down. I think he gets bored of the house, too. Yesterday I took him to a Free trial Mommy & Me class at the Little Gym. He had so much fun. We did baby exercises & had a crawling obstacle course, grape scented bubbles, music, and about 15 balls that Wyatt had a blast chasing around on the cushioned mats. There were 3 other little boys there that were all about his age. They all had a blast together. Today we had some friends and their kids over to play in the pool at our apartment complex. The older kids totally splashed Wyatt as they were jumping in, but Wyatt didn't mind at all. That kid loves the water! We also started giving him baths in the big tub this week(no more baby tub- he was just getting too big). He gets so excited during bath time that he can't decide what to do first. It's so funny to watch. He will splash and kick, then grab the washcloth to suck on, then go chasing after one of his toys, then notice the drain cover and start playing with that... He is too cute! Well, that's all for now. I should post some more photos soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ggghhhhhhghhg wyatt is so cute. did you get my phone message? I hope so. I miss you and it was Ferret weekend last weekend and I so was hoping I would be able to tell you all about it. I heard on NPR how they judge the ferrets on skull shape and fur and temperament. :) well im glad CO is good and you all look great! <3 GGHHHHGGGGG