Thursday, October 15, 2009

Etsy Shop

Everyone who knows me knows how much I love to make things. Well I decided to do a craft fair this past weekend and spent 2 weeks sewing up a storm to try to have enough stuff to sell. Well, the weekend of the craft fair there was a huge snowstorm so nobody came. haha. I did have 2 vendors buy some things and a bunch of others who wanted to trade me. Anyways, I have posted the remaining items in my new Etsy shop. Check it out! I would love your feedback. Purchases are ok, too. :)


Ellen said...

Yay! They are so cute!!! I love them all!

I have also been sewing up a storm lately! haha. I'm totally getting into it!! SO fun!!

heather said...

Way to go! I love them all! And I feel like your prices are good too - enough to make it worth it, but not enough to be too much. Great work - they all look so dang cute! Makes me wish I could sew. :)