Thursday, February 18, 2010

One Year Old

So Wyatt is finally 1! It has gone by so fast and he has changed so much. It is hard to believe that he was a newborn just a few months ago. 
At our most recent checkup, Wyatt weighed 24 lbs (75th percentile) and measured 32 in. long(95th percentile), making him tall and skinny. I wonder where he gets that from?
We had a quiet little birthday celebration with Clark's parents who flew into Denver for a visit. I was so excited to give him his first taste of cake and ice cream & well this is what happened:
He saw the candle and wanted to touch it, despite me trying to tell him to blow it out. 

He realized that frosting feels really cool and squishy and started finger painting.

After giving him the first slice he took a big bite...

decided it wasn't that delicious and decided to poke and prod it instead. This is as messy as he got.
With that said, some of Wyatt's favorite hobbies include making messes. It seems that just as I am cleaning one thing up he will find something else that he can get into or destroy. I just love this guilty look on his face when I asked him, " Wyatt, what are you doing?" Don't get me wrong. He loves cleaning, too. 

Here he is helping me unload the dishwasher. How sweet! He learned how to open the door, climb up on it, pull the drawer out, then empty everything in sight. My favorite is when he finds a sippy cup, puts a lid on it, then tries to take a drink, like it's suddenly full of milk or something. He is such a crackup. I just love our little guy and look forward to the upcoming year with him, messes and all. 


Marie said...

Oh my goodness I can't believe how much he has grown! What a CUTIE!!

makana said...

You are such a BLOG STALKER! :) HAHA. Look at your cute Etsy store! I am glad you found me and I had a fun time looking at your blog. That's funny you found me from Love Actually. I love that blog
Where are you living at now?
Love, Makana