Wednesday, December 31, 2008

36 weeks

My how the time flies. According to my due date I have only 28 days to go. Crazy!!! I feel ready, yet so unprepared all at the same time. I had my doc appt yesterday. When the nurse went to check the baby's heartbeat she started laughing & said, " the baby keeps kicking me!" We would hear the heartbeat for a second before he would flip/ twist/ rotate over to get away. After about 3 minutes, she finally caught up with him and was able to get a good reading. She did say that I was going to have my hands full. :) I can't wait. The baby's heartbeat was 140 beats/ minute. My belly measured 36 cm exactly so I am right on target & I only gained 1 lb. Woohoo! Now I have to start seeing the doctor every week, so scheduling my appts. with work is going to be a little bit trickier. Oh, I also had to take my Group B strep test. I should have the results next week. I won't give you all the gruesome details but it's a fairly common bacteria found in the digestive/ reproductive tract that is usually harmless in adults but can potentially be passed on to the baby during birth. If I have it, they will just give me an IV of antibiotics when I go into labor.

My mom got me "The Gift" by Willow Tree for Christmas. I love it! It looks just like Clark & I holding a little baby. I've included a picture so I can show it off. Thanks, Mommy!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! For New Year's I get to pick Clark up from the airport. No, seriously. One of his best friends, Jake, just got married yesterday and he is flying back tonight with an expected arrival time of 11:56 pm. I just hope I can stay awake that late. lol.

Happy New Year!


andy & lo said...

first: thanks for posting a picture of MY present to you... haha jk ps: did you get it yet?
pps: i am wearing the eyeshadow you gave me right now.
secondly: have the baby so i can be an auntie & move to colorado so i can visit you
three (not thirdly): I LOVE YOU.

Amy Jane said...

You are so crafty! I luv the chair!!