Thursday, January 29, 2009

No baby yet

It's the day after my due date and still no baby. Sigh. I had my 40 week doctor appointment yesterday. I am dilated to a 5! Woohoo! Progress, right? The midwife stripped my membranes again and said I could go any day now. Just in case, we scheduled an induction for next Wednesday, Feb. 4th. At least I have an end date in sight. I have been having contractions all day, but they aren't 5 minutes apart. I think Clark and I are going to go to the mall to walk and see if we can get things going. Wish me luck! I am so ready to meet my little guy. Here are some updated photos of me at 39.5 weeks, taken on Sunday.


Ellen said...

Did you know that you look amazing! Seriously! I'm sorry that he hasn't made his grand entrance yet. I bet he'll come before the 4th though! Good luck and let me know if you need anything!

Amy Jane said...

You are such a cute prego lady! Can you believe that bellies can get that big and then shrink back... crazy! Good luck girly!!!