Monday, February 2, 2009

Momma's reply to baby

Alright baby, time to come out! I would strongly suggest you do it on your own. Trust me, it will be much more pleasant that way. You have until Wednesday, Feb. 4 at 7am. After that the doctors are going to induce me and I have a feeling you are not going to like it very much. You are getting far too big to fit inside me anymore and I am ready to meet you already. P.S. Dad is the one that keeps poking you with his finger, so you can be sure to get back at him somehow when you do come out.


Katie said...

I'm tellin ya Kristin, just plan on going a week late and then you won't be disappointed. And if the baby comes "early", what a pleasant surprise! Hang in there girl! (p.s. I'm still practicing the piano! Aren't you proud of me?)

heather said...

I think that not listening to Momma is one of the first lessons babies learn. Somehow they are born with the idea that they are the ones in charge ... what gives them the right?! :) Good luck!!

Ashley said...

Every time I see an update on your blog I hold my breath in hopes that baby has arrived! I know how it feels to be done, but not overdue. So, I'm sure you are ready! I'll keep crossing my fingers! Otherwise, we'll look forward to some pictures on Wednesday.

Take care!

Dustin Christie and Bee said...

dustin said..."tonight's the night" so...what he says is might as well get to the hospital now